Farmer, Chef, & Entrepreneur

Louise cultivates resilient food systems to regenerate the planet

The Cacao Project

Building Sustainable, Climate-Resilient Livelihoods through Agroforestry by working with communities to rethink Food Systems, cultivate local green economies through regenerative land stewardship.

Education | Agriculture | Regeneration

The Culinary Lounge

The Culinary Lounge is a laid back farm-to-table kitchen studio. We host events, workshops, cooking demonstrations, pop-up dinners, and by-reservation dining. We also have a range of products to order.

No walk-in availability

Louise hosts the online cooking show ‘Simply Sarap’, promoting cultural diplomacy under the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines.

The show aims to bring Filipino Food to kitchens all across the world.

Simply Sarap

Advocacy, Activism, Action

Watch her TEDTalk

A climate solution? The wisdom passed down through generations